Craft Connections: Jamie Sigmon

Interview with Jamie Sigmon

We typically are all about encouraging the hands-on aspect of crafting (and still are super fans ) but we are also huge fans of building community. Our new interview series invites a guest to share their thoughts on creativity, exploration, and helps us get to know them and their business!⁠


  • How long have you lived in Phoenix?
    Since January 2013, but also lived here as a kid for several years.

  • Where are you from?
    Lawrence, KS

  • What is your business name?
    Jamie Rye (

  • Tell us more!
    I offer private yoga, meditation & energy work, handcrafted crystal jewelry, and other products.


  • How do you view creativity or when do you feel creative?
    I think of creativity in a couple of different ways. Of course, there’s artistic creativity, ideas for things to create whether that’s physical art or a yoga class I’m creating, and getting into the groove where it flows. But I also see creativity as problem solving and handling difficult situations. Often the two overlap.

  • What is something you're exploring or learning lately?
    I’ve been adding some polymer clay into my art lately, so that’s been fun to learn to work and create with. With all the time on my hands I decided to start a YouTube channel, so that’s been a very new experience. And I’ve been out practicing riding my bike, trying to become an expert!

  • Do you have any crafty hobbies?
    I like to paint, especially with watercolors. I love dabbling I’m about anything crafty!

  • What are you excited about right now?
    It’s a difficult time for everyone right now, including me, I’ve become mostly unemployed with the closure of businesses. However, I believe strongly that while change is scary it can ultimately be good. I expect that the world will not go back to the same normal we are used to, and I’m feeling excited and optimistic about what the new normal might look like.


  • Do you have a morning ritual?
    Yes! Almost every morning I start out by drawing a card from a tarot or intention deck as a message to focus on for the day. Then I do a guided meditation that’s on theme with the card, and finish by writing in my journal.

  • What color is your aura?
    I’ve never had it photographed, but I’ll guess yellow!

  • Do you have any pets?
    I have my little old man Presley! He’s a 14 year old shih tzu/Lhasa apso mix and he’s the cutest pup you’ll ever see.

Thank you, Jamie, for sharing with us!


InterviewsAmy Guerrero