Amy's Loving Lately: Games, Art, Recipes

Amy in an orange shirt smiling on a pink background. Text reads 3 Things I'm Loving Lately

Craft-related or not, here are a few things I've been loving in my personal life!

Yoshi’s Crafted World
This is such a cute video game and not only is it fun to play but all the scenes are crafted! Picture cut paper, cardboard, felt etc. Going through each level, it is so fun to see the creativity! I didn't grow up gaming but my husband got us this for the Switch and we've played it together or I've started playing on my own too (there's an easy "mellow mode"). I highly recommend it!

Mesa Contemporary Arts (MCA) Museum
This local Phoenix area museum at the Mesa Arts Center is fabulous (and free!). We went as a family at the end of the summer and enjoyed looking through the multiple galleries for a nice afternoon out of the heat. I would recommend this year-round! I also recommend Myke's Pizza inside of Cider Corps if you're in that Main Street Mesa area!

Recipe Hacking
I often say that exploring your creativity and getting crafty isn't only in the visual arts. Cooking is definitely a place for me to be creative! I typically take a few different recipes and mash them into a new dish. I made a Quinoa Veggie Soup this week and subbed a lot of veggies and added different spices and cilantro to make it like a Mexican Soup. It was the perfect comfort food with lots leftover to freeze!

Loving LatelyAmy Guerrero